Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Feast

The kindergarten classes had a Thanksgiving feast for lunch today. I helped serve the food. It was a fun change for them. I forgot my camera, so once again my cell phone saved the day. Tyler chose to wear his pilgrim hat but brought his Indian headband in case Danielle was there. She stayed home with Ron, but I thought that was pretty thoughtful of him! The little boy that likes Danielle wanted to know where she was. When I told him she was at home, he said "Aw shucks!" :)

Tyler took in a book to read to his teacher today, but instead of having him read it to her, she sat him in a chair in front of the class and had him read it to his entire class! He was so proud of himself when he told me about it! Shortly after he told me about it, I was going through his papers and found a note from his teacher. She wanted to let me know what a great job Tyler did reading the entire book and how impressed the class was because Tyler could read. Ron wanted to know if he got beat up after school (ha ha) but I thought it was really neat that the teacher would encourage him like that. He was so proud of himself and can't wait to find another book to take in.


Wandering Writer said...

Sounds like you have one gem of a teacher there!

Lori said...

I couldn't agree more!