During one of my daily searches of www.craigslist.com, I found someone who was GIVING AWAY 2 hamsters, 2 cages, bedding, food, and supplies. Free! That's kind of hard to beat. So, Ron and I made arrangements to pick them up after he got off work. We told the kids we were picking up birthday surprises for both of them, but didn't tell them what. When I walked out of the house w/the first hamster cage, I could hear Tyler shriek through the closed van door! They were both SO excited.

Tyler picked the black & white hamster; Danielle got the brown & white one. Despite Ron's pleas to be a little more creative, Tyler named his "Hamster" and Danielle named hers "Girl". There was a lot of happy laughter and squealing tonight. (The dogs were not as pleased.)

Oh no! You didn't get a PLASTIC cage, did you? ;-)
We were GIVEN plastic cages. Couldn't be too picky. We figure we'll just have to replace them after awhile. I don't think they can chew through them overnight, right? We would have some advance warning before they formed escape holes, right??! Besides, there's so much fun stuff you can add on to the plastic cages.
Hmm, I can't imagine why your dogs don't like the hamsters. I'm sure Mako would love one...for dinner!
The first thing Tyler did this morning was to check on his hamster to be sure Hunter didn't eat it. He's very paranoid about it dying, but given recent events, I think he's a little more preoccupied with death than usual.
You will probably be replacing the hamsters as well as the cages.
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