Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Happy 1st Day of... Spring??

The first full day of spring was kind of a bust. No one told Old Man Winter his services were no longer needed. He left us a couple inches of snow overnight. I really like snow in December. I mostly like snow in January. I kind of tolerate snow in February, but I strongly dislike snow in March. It's not fun any more. And to top it off, we had a snow day today. We are out of calamity days, though, so that means we lose a day of spring break. Very not fun any more. (And I just know that day we have to make up will be sunny and 70!)

In addition to being the first full day of spring, March 21st is also Tyler's half birthday. I mixed things up a little this time because we are leaving for vacation soon and I didn't want to make a cake right before leaving. I bought the kids bundlets, which is really more like 1/4 of a cake rather than a 1/2 anyway. It was a tight fit to cram all the candles on there though, so I ended up omitting the 1/2. He had forgotten it was his 1/2 birthday, so the cake was a pleasant surprise...which was the whole point of "celebrating" 1/2 birthdays in the first place - to add a little happiness to the otherwise dreary months of February and March.

I told him we aren't recognizing this date next year because 17.5 is way too close to 18.

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