Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Best Superlative of All

At school this week the 8th graders voted for the "8th grade superlatives": most athletic, most school spirit, most funny, most helpful, etc, etc. I think there were about 8 categories. Danielle said they voted on the computer. Each category had a blank answer line so you could type any name that came to mind. They do this every year for the 8th grade, and the winners are always pictured in the yearbook. The evening after the voting, Danielle told me how frustrated she was with things like this because inevitably they seem to be a popularity contest. She was afraid the people who truly exhibit those traits would be overlooked for the kids who are the most popular, and she didn't think that was fair.

Danielle is not popular. She's not unpopular. She's just Danielle, and that's good enough. She goes out of her way to include others. She's considerate and thoughtful and pleasant to be around. She has a good group of friends, and she is a good friend. She told me the other day that someone asked her why she's so nice to everyone. She said "I told her because you don't know what someone else is going through. They might need someone to be nice to them."

It turns out Danielle should have had a little more faith that her classmates would take the voting to heart. Her peers voted her the most friendly. I think it's the best superlative of all. Being athletic is nice, but it doesn't make someone feel less lonely. Having school spirit is nice, but it doesn't brighten someone's day. But being friendly can change the world one person, one heart at a time. Although the "award" won't change how she behaves or treats people, it was a nice affirmation that people notice and she does make a difference in her little corner of the world...or the 8th grade.

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