Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snow Days 7 & 8

We made up our 6th snow day by going to school on President's Day this Monday, only to have 2 more days off this week. We were closed today and are closed again tomorrow because of dangerously low temperatures and wind chills.

This was the temperature when I decided to finally get out of bed this morning. :)

This is the hourly forecast for tomorrow morning.
I usually have bird tracks and dog paw prints in the snow on my patio, but I found these this morning. I should have put a coin in the picture for perspective. These little paw prints are about the size of my index fingernail. They kind of just appeared and disappeared, so it wasn't really possible to follow them...assuming I wanted to change out of my warm pjs and do so...which I didn't.

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

Your weather makes our "record breaking low of 36" look like balmy weather!