Thursday, September 18, 2014

Time with My Kids

One of my favorite times of the day is when Danielle gets home from school. She sits at the table to do her homework and have a snack, and she likes me to sit with her while she's finishing up. All I have to do is listen and she talks...and talks...and talks. Sometimes I put cookies in when I get home from getting Tyler, and they are just coming out of the oven when she walks in the door. I love hearing about her day and hope someday when life is more complicated (which will be sooner than I am ready for), she will still be willing to talk. I'll try to just keep listening.

The car ride home from school has always been where Tyler does most of his talking, and I'm glad I'm still able to have that time with him. After we get home, he goes for a bike ride, does his homework, and usually disappears to the computer until I call him for dinner. Tonight, though, he came upstairs while I was making dinner and asked if he could help. How could I refuse? He looked so tall standing over the stove. When did that happen?! He is growing up into such a nice young man. I love being with him.

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