Thursday, January 09, 2014

Today's Pic

Our colored ice balls.


Wandering Writer said...

That is so cool!

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

how did you make them?

Lori said...

We filled water balloons with water & food coloring & put the balloons outside. Once the water froze, I peeled the balloons off. The neatest one was a water balloon that popped while it was freezing. Only the inside was still liquid, and it poured out, leaving a neat looking hole in the middle of a frozen sphere. I needed to plan a little better to make this a good, kid friendly activity, though. If I'd had a medicine dropper or something better to use to put the food coloring in the balloons, it would have been much better. Filling water balloons in the kitchen sink versus outside with the water hose is always messier, too! I might try it again sometime, but I would plan ahead.