Monday, January 20, 2014

Observing MLK Day

We enjoyed having today off school for MLK Day. We decided to visit the zoo since it's been awhile since we've been there. The temperatures today were the highest they will be for probably a week, so it was good timing, too. It was nice to get out together.

The brown bear brothers were quite entertaining today. Just prior to this picture, they had been standing on their back feet, slapping each other in the head. Then they rolled around for a little bit before pausing to catch their breath.

The crane just dropped this bear in. Ok, maybe not. I usually try to avoid taking pictures like this and recompose the shot when I can, but my 2 human subjects don't always have much patience for that kind of thing. And sometimes it just makes for a funny photo.

The beaver was fun to watch.

I was actually going to leave my camera at home today, but both kids decided they wanted to take pictures, so I grabbed mine, too. I like it when they do that. It's fun to see their perspective & creativity. I think they took a lot of video today.

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