Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Summer Fun

Although I haven't posted much lately, we have still been trying to cram as much fun into our summer as possible. Our days our numbered, and we are all feeling the pressure. Only one more full week of summer vacation until school starts. So, what have we been doing? A lot!
Danielle attended volleyball camp.

We toured a local bat factory.

We took advantage of the cooler weather and enjoyed a picnic and hike.

I turned 41 and my daughter was most unkind about it.
We froze at the water park.

We froze at the local pool. We also spent the last of our summer fun fund on concessions.

Mamaw & Papaw treated Danielle to a mani & pedi for her birthday.

Tyler got a geode as a souvenir from Uncle Ron's vacation. After considerable effort, he busted it open.

Danielle played in 2 all-star tournaments (7 games)

Her team came in 2nd place during the last tournament.

There is a pond by one of the ballparks. No idea who this kid is, but he caught this giant on a pole! Can't believe he pulled this in on his own.
Ron's car got hit by a passerby. She spilled water on her console and was looking down at it as she drove by, and wham!

Ah, small town living. Ron plays poker with the husband of the lady who hit us. Our neighborhood police officer was driving home for dinner and stopped to help. Another poker friend who works at an Acura dealer was out collecting signatures to run for council and gave Ron some tips about who to use for repairs. Some day our kids may hate it, but I really like living in a small town. Especially our small town.

And occasionally I still sneak outside to watch the hummingbirds.

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