Tuesday, December 07, 2010

This and That

Tyler had his first basketball game on Saturday. He said it was a lot more fun than he thought it would be.

Danielle had her baton performance Saturday evening. It was FREEZING but she did a great job! She had a lot of fun, too.

We took advantage of our nearby science museum's annual "free day" recently. It's so expensive to pay for all 4 of us to go, but the kids really enjoy it. "Free" makes it even more enjoyable! We got there when they opened and managed to avoid the crowds. We had a really great time.

Christmas card picture rejects:

Don't know where her upper lip went.

Obviously the pictures are causing him great physical pain.

And finally...

So far this month my son has learned the following in school: how to multiply by 8s & 9s, that Santa isn't real, and that "2 men who are best friends and get married are called gay". I'm so glad it's a short month.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

No photoshopping those? ;-)