Friday, July 13, 2007

Future Engineer? Architect? City Planner?

I feel the need to brag on Tyler a little. While Ron's been gone this week, Tyler has been working on putting together all his big Lego sets to surprise him when he gets home. Tyler has put these sets together ALL BY HIMSELF. Since we have hundreds of Legos, I sorted them into piles for him by set, but he did everything else by himself. Seriously, I did not build anything except the fire truck's ladder thingy, and I screwed it up the first time. He is amazing at following the instructions and step-by-step plans. I looked up the sets online to find out how many pieces are in each of the sets he put together and found there are a total of 1971 pieces! Not bad for a 5 year old that doesn't like to sit still.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Add another WOW!