Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Strawberries Are In

It's strawberry season. Last year I picked strawberries for the first time. The kids really enjoyed it and the berries were sooo good, we thought we'd try again. Of course, any time you have a really nice memory and attempt to repeat it, you'll always be a little disappointed.

The berries this year are much smaller (and seedier) due to the crazy weather we had early this spring. It was really really H O T today, and the farm was super busy (so there weren't any rocking chairs available to sit and slurp our slushies in). But, we still had a nice time. Both kids brought their own buckets this year. I don't think Tyler put more than 5 or 6 berries in his bucket because he was so busy eating them. (The ones you see in his bucket are from me.) Danielle did a pretty good job, though. My goal was to get enough to have for dessert one evening. We picked just enough before the kids were ready to go. (Did I mention it was really hot?) We paid for our strawberries, bought some fresh strawberry slushies, and headed for home. I was revisiting my strawberry blog from last year and was amazed at the change in Danielle in a year's time. She looks so much older now!

For lunch today the kids made "Butter-dogs", as Tyler called them. (They had another name in my Simple and Delicious magazine, but I liked Tyler's better.) I thought the butterflies turned out pretty cute for a first attempt.

Tonight we joined Tyler's friend Megan and her mom for dinner and games at Chuck E. Cheese's. We had a very nice time. Megan referred to Tyler as her boyfriend once, which caused Tyler to cover his mouth and giggle. It was cute. We had a good day.

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