Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ice Cream after T-Ball

Tyler had another t-ball game today. (He's playing first in this pic.) Sadly, we're nearing the end of the season all ready. I have really enjoyed watching him play. Today wasn't one of his best games, but overall he has improved since his first practice. And he seems to enjoy himself, always a plus!

After the game, we usually go out for ice cream or milkshakes to celebrate Tyler's hard work. Tyler's not real crazy about soft-serve ice cream, though, so he was really excited when our neighbor suggested we try some place up the road a bit that serves "hard dip" (as Tyler calls it). It was good, it was cheap, and it was H U G E.


Wandering Writer said...

What a face! How cute.

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

The season's over already? Where'd the summer go?

Lori said...

They only play for 6 weeks, not including pre-season practice.