Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Please Stay Tuned

My computer is on the fritz, so I have had very limited internet access lately. While Ron tries to fix my computer, I've only been able to log onto one of his old, also broken, laptops to check my email a couple times a day. Fortunately I've completed all my cyber Christmas shopping and was able to get my online order from Gymboree completed before my laptop completely broke down. (You know - the important things!)

Last night we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary by attending Tyler's first ever school Christmas program. When it was his turn, I laughed until I cried. He took his task so seriously and really belted out the words to "Go Tell It on the Mountain". I was so proud of him. There's more I want to share from last night, but I'm certain this laptop will suddenly blue screen and kick me out. So, until I get my own laptop back, please stay tuned for more details, including pictures, from last night's program.

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