Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Test Time

Danielle had her standardized tests this week. Tyler has his next week. I found this on the table today. I assume it was a project they did in class, but I think it's a cute idea. I know the teachers struggle to find that balance between wanting the kids to realize the importance of doing their best and not being overwhelmed by the pressure. This is really the first year that Tyler's test matter to him personally (rather than just the school or teacher). We'd like to be sure he is placed in a pre-algebra class next year, so getting a good score on the math test is kind of important. Of course, his grades are good enough we would request he be placed in there anyway, but it would be nice if we didn't have to.
Under "good at drawing" it says "but not good at drawing noses". :)

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Good to see the emphasis lessened! She is quite the artist. Can't test for that :-)