Sunday, December 11, 2011

O' Christmas Tree

We finally put our tree up this weekend. We made a day of it yesterday and went out to a movie and dinner before hand. (We saw The Muppets. If you haven't seen it yet, don't waste your money! I thought it was painful, but the kids enjoyed it.)

It was really cold last night, so we were rather quick about finding the perfect tree. We bought the first tree Tyler & Danielle both agreed on, and we found it in under 5 minutes. Not bad! We set it up last night and decorated it today.

It's nice and tall. Ron is standing on a chair and Danielle still had a difficult time reaching the top.

We had a nice day together yesterday and fun decorating it today. The kids couldn't wait to put their gifts for each other under it.

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

Nice. Hope we get to see it!