Monday, May 09, 2011

For the Birds

Our robin has started laying eggs. So far we've only seen one, but we don't have a very good view into her nest. They only lay an egg a day and will lay an average of 3 eggs. The eggs will hatch in about 12-14 days.

Other birds are migrating back to their summer homes. I've had a few birds stop at my backyard feeders this week. We only got a glance at the baltimore oriole through the rainy window. I was hoping he'd stick around but he was only here one day. The birds on the hanging feeder are pine siskins. The bird on the patio is a white crowned sparrow. Pretty stylish little hat he has, isn't it?

1 comment:

Mean Puppies Inc. said...

After becoming fascinated with butterflies, I am starting to see why people get into bird watching - so much amazing variety! Especially compared to down here where we don't have most of those little birds.