Monday, April 30, 2007

Showing Improvement!

Tyler had t-ball practice again tonight. Each week he shows a little more improvement, and this week was no exception. He seemed to enjoy himself a little more tonight, too. I grumbled a couple weeks ago about the coach not using a tee during practice. I discovered that in t-ball (this league, anyway) the coach pitches to the players 3 times. If they don't get a hit after 3 tries, they pull out the tee. Tyler is really improving and may be able to hit the coach's pitches by game time (another month). If not, he certainly won't be the only one who needs to use the tee.

It's funny to watch the kids as they wait to field the ball. It's as you might imagine - some sit on the bases and play in the dirt, some sit right down in the dirt to dig, and some just kick the dirt around. So far Tyler has avoided the temptation to sit and play. He stands the entire time and doesn't bother with the dirt too much. Sure, he looks all around, messes around with his hat, sticks his glove on his face, and watches the ball as it rolls by him, but he doesn't play in the dirt!

Here are a couple videos from his practice tonight. (He's in the white hat & shirt):

1 comment:

Wandering Writer said...

I'm impressed! Looking forward to watching a game.