Thursday, June 01, 2006

Psychotic Rico

I discovered who Rico is. A couple weeks ago we borrowed Madagascar from Mamaw. Actually, the kids call the movie "Madawhoha". Marty the zebra mispronounces the name when the lemur king introduces the "New York Giants" to their little piece of paradise. The amusing mistake has spawned a recurring knock-knock joke.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Madawhoha who?
Hee hee hee.

That's where the joke ends. Danielle is particularly fond of retelling it. Over and over and over. (I suppose it's better than her old stand-by: Knock knock. Who's there? Apple. Apple who? Apple watermelon! Followed by lots of giggles.)

Anyway, this is the preferred movie for the van right now. While running errands today, I found out who Rico is. Apparently he is one of the ambitious penguins who make it to Antarctica, only to find it's too cold. The penguins then sail to Madagascar, rescue their "monochromatic friend" and introduce Alex the Lion to sushi. The kids have picked up other things from this movie, too. Tyler has used the word "psychotic" several times lately (usually in the correct context), and the other day I heard him tell Danielle she was "on the Jersey side". So...that's who Rico is. In case anyone cared.

This is totally unrelated but I thought it was funny and worth retelling. Today Danielle opted to take a bubble bath while Tyler took a shower in our bathroom. She enjoyed having the tub to herself and practiced being an alligator. Apparently alligators like to splash and do not get out of the water when their mommies tell them to. I finally flipped the lever to drain the water and became preoccupied with Tyler. I guess the last time I bought toothpaste, I bought the spinach-flavored kind. Tyler hates the toothpaste and puts up a fight about brushing. ("I don't care if they turn yellow and fall out. At least the Tooth-Fairy will come.") Today he tried to fake putting the toothpaste on. Then he just acted like he was brushing. By the time I finally got him to brush his teeth correctly, the water had completely drained out of Danielle's bath. I looked in at Danielle to see this little naked girl wallowing around the bottom of the tub in the leftover soap (or "doap" as Danielle says) and bubbles. "Look, Mom! I'm dancing!" She wiggled around and giggled until she was all covered in residual bubbles. I couldn't help but laugh. I finally got her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. All smiles she looked up at me and said, "I'm doapy, Mom!" To which I lovingly replied, "Yep, you certainly are dopey, Danielle."

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