Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This & That

I had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday with my sweethearts. We started off our day with heart shaped pancakes and finished it off with heart shaped pepperoni pizza. There were a couple Valentine parties and some chocolate covered strawberries thrown in there, too. I know Valentine's Day is a card holiday, but it's nice to have a little something special thrown into the ugly, gray month of February. I have happy memories of my mom making Valentine's Day special for us when we were little, and I enjoy passing that on. I hope Tyler & Danielle do the same for their kids someday.

I found this in Tyler's school folder today. Cracked me up! I thought it was clever.

(It says "I think it's to big to play.")


Mean Puppies Inc. said...

We had a heart shaped pepperoni pizza too - but I think our pepperonis were smaller :)

Lori said...

We had sandwich pepperoni leftover from something else, so I decided to use those instead of the regular size pepperonis.

Wandering Writer said...

I wondered who had done the drawing when I saw it on FB.