Saturday, June 26, 2010


Our mammoth sunflowers have really taken off! We started the seeds inside this spring. They are supposed to be 12' tall when they are fully grown.

Here is a "before" picture. I cropped this out of a picture of the patio I took in early May, so it's not very good, but you get the idea. We had recently transplanted them and weren't real sure they were going to make it. They were very droopy, and the resident rabbit thought the leaves were tasty. About 1/2 of them survived.

The bugs didn't help much, either. I found this colorful little guy one day. It's a candy-striped leafhopper. I realize they are harmful to plants but isn't it amazing how colorful
he is?

Here is Danielle with our sunflowers today. I am doubtful they'll really get to 12' tall, but it would be cool if they did!

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