Danielle's baton group is performing in a parade this weekend. They have been practicing for it for a couple months now, although the routine is relatively easy compared to some they have done.
Last year Danielle and another girl got to lead the parade. This year Danielle and two other girls were placed up front to lead the girls during practice, and she was pretty sure the 3 of them would lead the parade this year. She was rather disappointed, though, when they were placed in their parade line-up tonight. Although Danielle is in the front row, two additional girls were placed in their row, too. The girl beside Danielle doesn't know the routine very well and is always a beat or two off. The other girl cried last year because Danielle was picked to lead, but she doesn't pay attention during practice and will often go sit down in the middle of practicing. Danielle has worked really hard, always does her best at practice, and practices at home. I think she felt like her hard work and effort wasn't really rewarded, which I understand. Sadly, that's the way things go sometimes. Life lessons suck when you're 8. Well, I guess they suck when you're 39, too! I am proud of Danielle's hard work, though, and am looking forward to watching her perform again.