While we have had an extremely mild winter, this week has been unbelievable. It has been about 30* above normal this week! Today was a nearly perfect day - blue skies, a gentle breeze, and lots of sunshine. The only bummer was that it was also a school/work day.
I thought this was funny. It's 80* out and what outside activity do my kids pick?? To sit on the patio and read. (Together even!!) I quietly took this picture through the window while they were discussing one of the stories. Moments like these (coupled with sunshine and blue skies) make a mom's heart happy.

Reading isn't all the kids have been doing outside this week. Danielle is determined to learn how to ride a skateboard. She's not doing too bad. She's also been riding her bike and tossing the softball around with Dad. Tyler has suddenly taken an interest in throwing the football with Dad. Clara has been trying to sniff out whatever little rodent has been tunneling in our mulch beds.
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