Today was the last day of Danielle's basketball season. She has decided that basketball is her favorite sport now. A couple times this week when I've walked the dog, she's gone along so she can practice dribbling as we walk. Tonight she asked if she could watch basketball on tv. I'm glad it was such a positive experience. Hopefully she'll enjoy it just as much next year when it's a bit more competitive. The league had a pizza party for the kids and gave them all medals. Now on to soccer season.

Ron's mom came to visit for a couple hours late this afternoon. On Ron's birthday on Monday the kids were asking Ron a lot of questions about when he was little. They decided they wanted to see pictures of him as a baby, so they asked Grandma to bring her photo album with her. She came bearing 2 very large photo albums and entertained the kids for awhile. They enjoyed looking at the pictures and were still giggling about them after dinner tonight. Tyler was amused at all the plaid. They liked Uncle Andy's poofy blond curls, too.

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