Today was Clara's 3rd birthday. She celebrated by rolling around in the snowy mulch under the trees, barking at her shadow, and sleeping in the corner of the couch. She got a new squeaky toy and enjoyed some doggie ice cream w/3 "candles" (pretzels). You can tell she really did not want to pose for the picture with her ice cream!!

Today was Danielle's 1/2 birthday. I remember when I decided to start celebrating 1/2 birthdays. The kids weren't in school yet, and the gloomy winter months had caught up to me. I thought we needed something to brighten up our day. I'm glad the idea has stuck because it's fun. This year's "celebration" was like last year's - the 1/2 birthday girl got to pick the dinner menu and got 1/2 a pan of brownies with 8 1/2 candles while we sang 1/2 the birthday song. It was 1/2 as much fun as a real birthday. :)

Our hawk friend was sitting right over my feeders this afternoon. He was quite poofy because it was so chilly out. The first picture is a little fuzzy because it was taken through the window, but you can see how poofed up he was. I like him.

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