It's been awhile since we've had a family craft night, so, much to the boys' dismay, I found a nice valentine craft online I thought we could try. Actually, Ron enjoyed himself. I knew Tyler wouldn't be crazy about it because the craft involved getting your fingers gooey, but I had hoped he would help some. He didn't enjoy it and that meant we wouldn't have enjoyed it had we forced him to participate. So, this is a 3/4 family craft. The 1/4 mostly sat in the chair and quietly played his 3DS.

We worked on this craft over a couple days. On day 1 we dipped cotton cord in glue and arranged it on wax paper which was taped over our heart templates (which I got

On day 2 we filled the hearts with glue and then added paint. The original instructions said to add watercolor paint (the kind in the tube). I didn't have any, so we mixed acrylic paint into the glue.

After filling the hearts, we left them to dry for a day. Then we carefully peeled the hearts off the wax paper and hung them in the window. We made 5 but 2 of them were still drying when I took this picture. They didn't turn out exactly like I thought they would, but I like them. They look nice hanging in the window, and they were fun to work on together.

Now if only we had some sun...
1 comment:
Nice. The 1/4 must be working on that teenage attitude a little early ;-)
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