We spent our day off school reverently honoring MLK, his teachings, and ideas.
Well, maybe not. But we did enjoy having the day off school.

Tyler wanted to go bowling, so we did. We had a nice time. I managed to get a picture of Danielle's strike. (Yes, the gutters were up. They were up in every lane today. I didn't argue.)

Here is Tyler, getting ready to toss the ball down the alley.
Here is what bothers me most about this picture.

In case you can't see that, it says 5/6!
His shoes are 5/6!!! And that's NOT little kid sizing!!!

Afterward, I wanted to go to Cold Stone, so we did. There were lots of other people honoring MLK by enjoying over-priced (but wonderful) ice cream with their families.
We finished off our celebration by redeeming some reward coupons at the toy store. It was a very nice afternoon. We had a lot of fun together.
To be sure we're fair to all holidays, we plan to spend President's Day next month just as reverently.
Natalie is about to fit a size 5 in little kid sizes, so maybe 5/6 is about right for him! if it makes you feel better, I wore a size 10 at 11 years old and I still do.
I'm sure he's "normal", he's just growing up too fast. I wish they'd both slow down a little.
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