Tonight was the Language Arts Fair for k-2nd grade. Various artwork and writing pieces were on display and you could walk through the school in an open-house type style to view them. We couldn't have been there more than 15 minutes, so it's a very minor affair.
Since Ron is out of town, Danielle wanted me to take pictures for him. So, here are a couple pictures. I love the torn paper picture and wish I would have thought of that when I was looking for craft projects for the kids when they were younger. Tearing paper is fun. Making a picture out of it is even better! Oh - those flowers aren't growing, the dancing people are throwing them. Notice that one of them is giving a piggy-back ride to a baby, and a couple of them have ponytails. I love the way Danielle sees the world.
Hmmm, torn paper picture - thanks for the inspiration! Danielle did a great job! And she has very nice handwriting too :)
Thank you - I'll be sure to pass your compliment on. :) I thought you might like the torn paper idea. It would be interesting to see what Caleb & Annalise come up with!
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