I think the mosquito fogging has claimed the lives of all our outside caterpillars. I saw one lonely little caterpillar last night and this morning but couldn't find anything except bodies this evening. What a bummer!! Eariler on the day they did the fogging, I visited the greenhouse and bought a smaller pot of milkweed. I divided it and put two small plants in our butterfly net we used for the painted ladies last year. Thankfully Danielle & I brought 4 caterpillars in the house that afternoon, so they missed the death fog. Out of those 4, I can find 1. It doesn't mean the others aren't alive, but I can't find them and there aren't any holey leaves elsewhere on the plant. So, we're placing all our hope in this one surviving caterpillar. Thankfully he seems to be growing and looks healthy. This experience certainly didn't turn out the way I would have liked!

Tyler & Danielle were determined to play in our little pool today. It was very hot & humid when I set it up this morning. By the time we ran errands and got home this afternoon, it had stormed and the temperature dropped significantly. The kids insisted on playing in it anyway, so I let them play for 1/2 hour. Danielle's teeth were chattering by the time I made them come in. Tyler and his goofy goggles, what can I say?

And here is Clara. She's 6 months old now.
I wonder how much effect mosquito fogging has had on the over all population of butterflies? And why the organization who criticized the president for swatting a fly isn't all over that?
Clara is a cute teenager!
Maybe I carry a caterpillar curse. I found our one caterpillar all liquidy this morning. Danielle will not be happy.
Oh no!
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