Yesterday we revisited a state park we discovered
last summer . Somehow we missed the youth pond at the ranger station last year. There were lots of critters to see in the water and along the shore. We caught a couple tadpoles to take home, but I've since discovered they are most likely northern green frog tadpoles. This type of tadpole can take anywhere from a couple months to over a year to fully develop, so I'm doubtful ours will ever fully develop into frogs. They do already have back legs, though, so maybe it won't be too long after all? A northern green frog lays up to 3500 eggs, so even if our 2 die, I'm sure we will not cause the decline of the species.

We also spent some time looking for fossils. Since we brought so many home last year, we limited the kids to only a couple this time. The fossils really are neat, and it's mind boggling to think about how old they are. This is a fossil of some coral. This area was all under water once upon a time.

Later we went to the lake and roasted some hot dogs & marshmallows. Ron fished for a little while but didn't have any luck. We did see an otter swim by while we were eating. We saw some bats as it got darker, too. We had a really nice day.

Today we went to a birthday party for Danielle's friend from church & preschool. Her party was at the farm the kids and I enjoy visiting. This was Ron's first time there, and the kids enjoyed showing him around. It was a great place for a party and a beautiful day to be outside.

The kids tried the rope bridge this time. You can't tell, but there's at least a 4' drop under the rope.

The kids found a couple baby bunnies to hold, too.

Before putting the kids to bed tonight, Danielle and I checked the milkweed and found... MONARCH EGGS!!! Hooray! We found the most on this leaf, but there are eggs scattered on many of the leaves! Also, I think there is a teeny tiny caterpillar on here, which I've circled, but it was kind of hard to see because it was getting dark. Danielle was so excited!!
Frogs and caterpillars and bunnies, oh my! Fun!
Looks like a lot of fun! Congrats on the eggs! You can check for new babies by looking for little holes in the leaves, usually I find tiny ones underneath that way. Then I usually can't find them for a couple of days and suddenly they show up again an inch long. Fun stuff!
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