The last caterpillar made his chrysalis overnight, so today we moved them all to the butterfly "cage" to await their arrival. There was a paper disk on the underside of the lid. The caterpillars attached to the disk when they made their chrysalis. When we removed the lid, the disk easily separated from the top and we just pinned it into the net. I thought the chrysalids would be fragile, but they were stuck to that disk pretty well. I had to break some of the silk to get the disk all the way off the jar, and I was surprised at how strong it was. So, now we are just waiting for the butterflies to make their grand entrance. I hope they take the full 10 days to emerge.

The net looks rather small for 5 butterflies and I would feel bad that they were all stuck inside there, especially since they only live 2-4 weeks. Not much time to live it up! (And once I opened the cup & could get a better look, they did lose their heads and their first couple pairs of legs. Don't know if you can see it in this picture, but I circled it.)

And tonight I FINALLY figured out how to secure straps to the wire frame of the butterfly wings I'm making for Danielle's party. I am so ignorant when it comes to sewing!! I'm sure I could have bought better looking wings, but Danielle is happy with these, so that's good enough for me. (Hopefully they won't fall apart until after everyone gets theirs home!) Now that I've got it all figured out, I need to get busy making the rest (plus 3 pairs of dragonfly wings). It's

a good thing I started early.
Nice wings! We are really enjoying watching the butterflies change. I think I read somewhere that while they change their insides actually turn all soupy and reform. Maybe that was some other bug, but I thought it was butterflies.
The wings are great. I think they look better than the ones I saw in the store. Good job!!
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