Today after swimming lessons and lunch the kids and I took a bike ride. We decided to ride down the road to visit the animals and the new swingset across from the Amish restaurant. I thought the kids would enjoy the swingset the most, but they really enjoyed the animals. The calf had an extremely long tongue that made the kids giggle and squeal. They certainly acted like city kids! Between the swimming lessons and bike riding, they could hardly move by the time we got home! Unfortunately they get their second wind a lot quicker than I do!
There's not much to report on the pupas. I noticed tonight that one of them has a dark line forming down the middle. I read that the chrysalis is supposed to get darker before the butterfly emerges, so maybe this is the start. Hopefully it doesn't mean he's dead. If my count is correct, we shouldn't see anyone until Sunday at the earliest.
This started as a way to document the amusing antics of our 2 & 4 year old children several years ago. It has evolved into a great forum for keeping grandparents, friends, and other relatives involved in our daily lives. It is also a good place for me to share what is important in our lives, and to document those things I want to be sure I don't forget.
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