Here is the first snow angel of the season:
Here is the first snowball-in-the-face of the season:
I found it much funnier than Tyler did. (Danielle threw it.)If you click on the picture, you can see the snow up his nose. Still makes me laugh.
We had a pretty good day. We didn't go anywhere. We didn't do much of anything. It was nice.
I thought the kids were rather amusing today. Here are the incidents worth passing along:
Danielle got a little whiny around bedtime tonight. While they were brushing their teeth, I heard Danielle whine, "I wish it was Christmas every day." Very sweetly Tyler said, "But Danielle, if it was Christmas every day, every day would be exactly the same." I thought he was being profound yet sensitive...until he continued. "And if every day is the same as today, you would be whiny every day."
While I was tucking Danielle into bed tonight, she said, "I wish it could be Christmas and snow everyday." I replied, "Then we couldn't go swimming in the summer." She said, "Oh. Well, I wish it could just be Easter every Friday then."
My aunt Barb gave Tyler a book about how machines work for Christmas last year. It is his absolute favorite book. He just pours over it. Tonight he was reading it in bed and suddenly came bounding from his room: "Mom! There's something so gross in this book. I can hardly look at it. A person is naked!"(gasp) He sounded disgusted. In the section discussing space shuttles, it showed pictures of people living on the shuttle and the ways they have to adjust to their surroundings. The picture that grossed him out was a bare chested man shampooing his hair. (Nothing more than you'd see at the beach.) I thought his reaction was funny, but Ron's was funnier. When I relayed the story to him, Ron wiped his brow and said "Phew!"
And my favorite: This afternoon Tyler set up a "testicle" course to jump over in the playroom.
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