We got a Douglas Fir this year rather than our typical Scotch Pine. It is much more fragrant. Hopefully the needles will be a little softer when the tree's all dried up. :)
Tonight we decorated the tree. I have to say that this was by far the best time I've had decorating the tree with the kids. They really enjoyed themselves, but what I enjoyed most was

After we were done decorating, Tyler had to turn off every light in the house so we could admire the lights. Then he stood in front of the tree and said, "Come on everybody. Let's stand in front of the tree, hold hands, and sing songs." And he was serious! It was too funny! He and Danielle sang first (so I could capture the moment). Then we all held hands and sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It was definitely a memorable moment!
When Ron and I are left decorating the tree by ourselves many years from now, I kn

Hope you had another stand for it. We on the other hand, found an artificial on sale early that we liked so we'll be returning your stand. Loved the video and the pictures were beautiful.
Ron sent our old stand for you. Nothing's too good for his parents. :)
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