Tyler woke up very excited and ready to get to school this morning. He couldn't eat breakfast because his tummy was a bit queasy, but that was really the only indication that he was nervous. He was really excited to see the bus and gave us a big wave after he got on. And then he rode off...
This afternoon we eagerly awaited his return. (Ron went to work late to see him off and came home early to welcome him home.) Thankfully he was still excited when he got off the bus! He told us about the girl in his class that cried for her mom, how "really delicious" the pizza was at lunch time, getting to play at recess, using the super small bathroom in his class, listening to a story with the headphones on, being the helper at lunch time, drinking the yucky "untreated" water at snack time, playing with little Legos during free time, learning about "snouts", and going on a gingerbread man hunt. The gingerbread man hunt led the kids around
the school looking for pictures of gingerbread men that were posted around various noteworthy places: the library, office, secretary's office, art room, etc. We were talking about why he might need to know where these places were or who these people were. He laughed and said, "We had to go there [the principal's office] so she'll know who I am when I get sent there." He had a really good day. After detailing all the events of the day for us, he collapsed on the couch with his special treat and vegged out (ha) for awhile.

Shortly after Tyler got home, Danielle, in all her grace, somehow caught her finger in the insi
de part (by the hinge) of the bathroom door. She cut it pretty good, and there was a lot of blood and screaming. I took her to the Urgent Care Center where she had to have xrays and stitches. Fortunately it was not broken. Unfortunately they had to actually touch her finger to do anything to it. Although she was trying to be brave, she was genuinely in a lot of pain, and she was scared. When it was time to get the shot in her finger to numb it, she was hysterical. It really was a horrible experience. I was feeling emotionally drained from Tyler's first day and other events of this week anyway.
Thankfully, God gave me the strength I needed to keep it together for her sake, and I was remarkably more calm and in control than I felt. She was much better by the time we got home and enjoyed all the sympathy from Tyler.
Given the excitement and emotion of the day, I expect we will all sleep very well tonight. I'm so thankful Tyler's first day was a success!
1 comment:
What a day! I'm sure Ron recounted his trip to the hospital. At least you were all spared the guilt of having slammed the door on the finger. But I remember that blood curling scream when the local was applied to his finger and I had to hear it from down the hall as I sat with our other two.
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