I was kind of relieved he didn't want to bring in cupcakes. He wants a pirate ship birthday cake, which I'm attempting to make myself, so I was thankful I didn't have to do anything creative
with cupcakes. (Although our frog cupcakes turned out cute last year.) Instead, he wanted to bring in dirt dessert. Fortunately this was a treat both the kids could help make.
Tyler had a much better day at school yesterday. The teacher moved the kids' desks around, so Tyler is now sitting beside "a really nice girl". What I really appreciated about his teacher was that she moved several people, not just Tyler, so he wasn't singled out. I volunteered to help in the lunchroom, and yesterday was my first day. Tyler was glad to see me and proudly pointed out Danielle and me to his teacher and classmates. I got to talk to his teacher face to face and was able to personally remind Tyler to behave himself. (Sometimes you need to be reminded half way through the day!) It was fun to see Tyler and the other kindergarteners. There are several kids in our neighborhood that started kindergarten this year. It was neat to see them away from their parents and happily functioning in their new roles. Tyler was very well behaved at lunch, but when there's food involved, he's usually all business anyway.
Danielle had a really good morning at preschool today, too. She was all smiles when I picked her up. She said the little boy that had been picking on her sat across from her during snack today. She said he was making faces at her so she decided to make faces back. I guess the two of them started giggling about it and she ended up thinking the whole thing was pretty funny. Not exactly how I would have imagined our prayer being answered, but sounds to me like God is working things out.
After turning 24 cupcakes into a barnful of animals, I agree! It is much less work to just make one big cake!
(p.s. I am sure the teacher will appreciate your free water - since it is sugar free!)
How many birthdays could they have celebrated already? How does he know all the other moms buy drinks?
Out of the past 5 days, I believe they have had birthday snacks 3 times. I'm guessing he assumes their moms bought drinks since the moms actually come in carrying them.
i agree real oreos would win. Also that is awesome about the birthday cake I have heard about it and am excited to see it. Kudos to you. Also wish Tyler a very Happy Birthday from all of us.
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