In a moment of insanity, we hopped in the van Saturday afternoon and headed out to cut our own Christmas tree. It
was like Clark Griswald said in Christmas Vacation: We're kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols.” Of course, we were in a mini-van and the weather was unseasonably sunny and warm. 
We spent much more time looking for the “perfect” tree than was necessary, especially since we have a perfectly fine artificial tree in our basement that is the right price and doesn’t have any bare spots. BUT after driving to 3 different places (each 20 minutes apart) and then returning to the second place, we found the nearly perfect tree. We were looking for something really tall. In our quest I guess we got a little confused because we ended up with something really W I D E and only kind of tall.

We spent so much time hunting for our tree on Saturday, we didn’t have time to decorate it until Sunday. The kids were so excited to decorate it – especially Tyler. Danielle enjoyed blowing the icicles onto the tree like Daddy did. We had a good time and the tree turned out pretty good. It’s just SO wide. 

Uncle Rob & Aunt Leah gave Tyler a silly faces candy making kit for Christmas. The kids and I enjoyed making candy “suckers” this morning before Tyler went to school. It was a lot of fun. (Thanks, Aunt Leah)

We spent much more time looking for the “perfect” tree than was necessary, especially since we have a perfectly fine artificial tree in our basement that is the right price and doesn’t have any bare spots. BUT after driving to 3 different places (each 20 minutes apart) and then returning to the second place, we found the nearly perfect tree. We were looking for something really tall. In our quest I guess we got a little confused because we ended up with something really W I D E and only kind of tall.

We also put up our outside decorations on Sunday. We usually hang lights on our porch, trees, and bushes. Since we have none of the above, we had to adapt this year.

wow - those are great faces! Nice tree too - I'm thinking we will skip the tree this year. I have enough trouble keeping Caleb out of the dog dish and the toilet. I don't feel like adding a bunch of ornaments to the mix!
Aw - you can't pass up a tree! He would be so in awe over the lights! We just put all our ornaments up high on the tree. (I've also heard of people putting the tree in the playpen.) I remember how much Tyler enjoyed watching the tree when he was little!
The faces were fun. Thanks.
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