Once we made it inside the registration building, we noticed 3 lines: A super huge line for most passengers, a not bad size line for Latitude members (those who have cruised with NCL before), and a nonexistent line for VIP passengers. Thankfully we were classified as VIP passengers due to the status of our room! (We managed to get upgraded to a penthouse suite!) We walked right up and got registered. After registering, most passengers were seated in a general waiting room to wait for permission to board. Not us! Our personal concierge, escorted us to a private room for the VIPs. The kids munched on little sandwiches and drank water out of those little dixie cups w/handles (quite a novelty) while we waited. I must admit I felt very special – it’s not very often I’m on the inside of the private room!
Once it was time to board the ship, everyone in the general room had to wait for the VIPs to board first! Once again we got to jump to the front of the line. Our family was last to exit the room because the kids were a little slow. Someone from the general line was crowding us and eventually moved past me and the kids. Our concierge noticed and made the person wait until we were caught up with everyone else. It was so nice!!
The kids were super excited to board the ship! Tyler howled and Danielle sq

Our bags weren’t on board yet, so we headed out to explore the ship. We checked things out and eventually ate lunch outside at the Great Outdoor restaurant. It's a buffet. Usually I hate buffets, but this place ended up having decent food – especially compared with the food served everywhere else on board. This place always made Danielle happy because they a
lways served French fries. (Overall, the food on this cruise was not great.) After lunch we found the kids' pool. It's just the right size (and heated!). So, the kids went swimming for a little while - in their clothes since we didn't have bathing suits yet. They had a lot of fun. We also attended the muster drill. The kids’ lifejackets weren’t delivered until Monday, so they’re wearing adult ones in these pictures.

For dinner we ordered food to the room for the kids. (Our suite included full service menus and our own butlers!) They enjoyed room service and then went to play at the Kid's Crew. The Kid’s Crew was a program especially for children. The kids were divided by age and had age appropriate activities all day while at sea and in the evenings while in port. Tyler and Danielle were able to be in the same group. It wasn’t babysitting, although it did enable Ron and I to have a couple quiet dinners. (We didn’t use the babysitting services.) The kids abs

Ron and I finished a quiet dinner of prime rib and uninterrupted conversation by the time the kids activities were finishing up. The kids said they had a great time and were so tired they could hardly walk. It was a really good day.
Tomorrow: Day 1, At Sea
Tyler looks like quite the cruising pro in that picture with the cup. Love the lounge chairs too! How will you ever go back to a regular ship's bathroom???
Hi! I was so glad to see your info - we are sailing on the Sun this Sunday from New Orleans. We are also traveling with our 2 kids, ages 5 & 8. I love all your tips - were the seas really that rough? Our cabin is on the aft - so I'm hoping that will help us with the seasickness thing. We have a penthouse too - the bathroom you had looks amazing! What did the butler do for you? Did you eat in any of the extra fee restaurants? How was the kids menu? thank you!
Unfortunately, I did not exaggerate about the waves! I ran into someone in the elevator who got a motion sickness patch from his doctor. He was wearing that & a couple motion sickness bracelets & said he hadn't felt a thing. I'll definitely try the patch next time. If you do have problems, try heading to the casino. It's right in the middle of the ship and didn't feel quite as bad - as long as you can tolerate the smoke. Plus, losing all your money will take your mind off your queasy stomach. :)
Our butlers brought us room service (any hour of the day & from most any restaurant), movies to watch, and a couple snacks throughout the day, including cookies & milk for the kids. The butlers (Reoul & Harry) were wonderful! We did not eat in any of the extra fee restaurants, except the sushi place. We just didn't get around to it. Unfortunately the food on this cruise was not top notch. Our kids mostly ate grilled cheese, hot dogs, pizza, & chicken nuggets from the kids menu. (They liked the chili from the sports bar, too.)You may need to ask your butler for additional menus. We only had the standard kids menu in our room but were able to obtain the one from the main dining rooms. Also, we took advantage of the suite service breakfast menu. Every morning we had breakfast delivered, that way the kids could pick at the food while we were getting ready. That worked out very nicely. I enjoyed how kind our butlers were to our children. Every morning when Reoul brought breakfast in he would say, "Good morning my prince & princess!"
The bathroom was wonderful! I don't think all the penthouses have double vanities, though.
I highly recommend the Kids' Crew. Our daughter is rather shy & enjoyed it so much she insisted on going without big brother the last day. It doesn't look like much at first glance, but our kids are still talking about it!
I hope you have a wonderful trip & smooth seas!! If you have any other questions, just let me know!
Do the penthouse cabins have DVD and CD players? Thank you for your info...I really appreciate it. We already had the tour booked w/Gus so that looks fun. Oh, one more thing, is it warm enough to swim when the ship is in port in New Orleans? Thank you Thank you!
They have DVD players w/surround sound.
The pools are heated and feel great. I suppose it's the getting out that doesn't feel so good.
The trip w/Gus is fun but be prepared for some serious uphill climbing when you get to the area where the school is. A lot of the older, heavier folks on our trip (& a lady w/asthma) really struggled. My other suggestion is to ask Gus or his wife for snacks for the kids before leaving from Livingston for the trip. It was a very long time until lunch, and our kids were hungry. Fortunately we thought to ask for snacks and they were very accomodating.
Have fun!!
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