My grandpa had a massive stroke Friday. After a day of being ill, he was admit

ted into the hospital on Thursday. On Friday afternoon he simply fell asleep and hasn’t woken up. Due to the location of the stroke, he suffered severe brain damage. Barring a miraculous healing by God, if he does wake up, he will not be the man we all know and love. My grandpa is a retired minister and the epitome of a faithful follower of Christ. He has spent his life working toward furthering God’s kingdom. Although we love this man, we are hoping God will bring him home quickly and peacefully, so he can join his friends and family worshipping at God’s feet.
My grandparen

ts have been married for 64 years! And they’re still in love! My grandpa served in WWII and raised 6 daughters (see the similarities there?). He was a man of few words (unless he was teasing you), and when he did speak, it was worth listening to. Everyone who knows him respects him. He has been faithful and genuine: a true man of God and a hero to his children and grandchildren. He was a great man who meant a great deal to a great amount of people.
One of the last times I saw him was when we took the kids over to visit earlier this summer. He sat in his chair and watched them play (until he dozed off). When it was time for us to leave, he hugged me and told me he was proud of me. My grandpa didn’t offer those words flippantly to everyone, and it meant – means – the world to me.

We don’t know what the next few days will bring, but we do know that God will continue to be faithful to His faithful servant.
These are some pictures of my grandpa with his great grandchildren. I’m so thankful they had the opportunity to know him.

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