This was our conversation tonight when I put Tyler to bed:
Mom, there's a funny word they're saying at school. It's "latch key".
Oh! Latch key is a program for kids whose parents are still at work when they get out of school. It's a program that's after school but before the parents get off work.
Oh. Well, when are you going to go back to work?
Well, I don't know. My job is to stay home and take care of you guys. Do you want me to go back to work?
Yes. I want to be part of latch key so I can make lots and lots of friends.
So, my pride that our kids won't have to be "latch key kids" quickly faded when Tyler informed me he'd rather be part of that program than be home with me. It reminded me of when I was younger and jealous that my brother got to go to daycare. Surely my mom loved him more. She sent him to daycare but stayed home with me.
As a follow-up to my blog regarding Tyler's first day of preschool: If they were giving out awards, I would have taken home the "Most Improved Preschool Mom" award! On the second day, I got there with 2 minutes to spare, successfully parked in a designated spot (even parallel parked!), and remembered to kiss Tyler in the parking lot before his friends could see!
Today was my grandpa's funeral. We had a little pillow with flowers on it and a ribbon that said "Great Grandpa" on his casket. I brought them home this afternoon, and Danielle has hardly put them down. I tried to put the pillow up, but she cried for it. She gently carried both the flowers and the pillow all around the house tonight. My grandpa would have been amused at her infatuation with them.
The school year before Caleb was born I worked in an Aftercare program which was the same thing as Latch Key. There were a couple of kids who like to come just because they liked to play. If the Latch Key program is like Aftercare, you could probably find some "reason" that you could not pick Tyler up one afternoon and let him stay. If he stayed more than an hour, he'd see that most of the kids go home and the leftover kids get bored really fast. He might think having a SAHM is better than he realized!
That happened to me too when Monica decided she was missing out on something good because she couldn't go to daycare. Sure made my staying home with her seem less important but she rethought it later and I was reassured.
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