Tonight while I was making dinner, Tyler excitedly ran into the kitchen:
Tyler: Mommy! I learned Karate in my class today!
Lori: (Huh?) What class? Your class at church?
Tyler: Yeah!
Lori: (OK. This should be interesting.) Who taught you Karate?
Tyler: My teacher.
Lori: (Ah. Blaming the teacher!) Your teacher where?
Tyler: At church. In our song church.
Lori: Miss R taught you Karate? (Surely no one would encourage this kid to be MORE wound up during song time!)
Tyler: Yeah! We did it with the songs! Want to see?
Lori: Ok (This is going to be interesting)
He proceeded to kick his little chicken legs and wave his arms all around, shouting "HI-YA" the whole time.
Lori: (I imagine his teacher performing these moves and smile.) You learned this at church?
Tyler: Yep! Miss R taught us!
He ran off to karate chop his sister, who was now flailing her arms and legs and yelling "HI-YA".
(I can't wait to tell Miss R! At least he learned something at church today.)
I managed to capture some of the "performance" on tape, but unfortunately I can't figure out how to post video clips. You'll just have to use your imagination - which I'm sure won't do it justice.

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