Sorry I haven't posted anything for several days. The kids spent a couple days with Grandma & Grandpa R, and we were busy buying a house!
We will be moving in this Wednesday. Today Ron hung ceiling fans and bought our garage door opener (all the essentials - picture by Tyler). My new appliances are coming tomorrow. We took a van full of toys, packed around a giant rented stepladder, to the house today.
Tyler enjoyed playing in the sprinkler for a few minutes today. It was too hot to stay out very long, though.
The kids seemed to enjoy playing in the new play room. We were able to dump out almost all the Legos and still have room to walk!
While the kids were visiting Grandma & Grandpa, we found an amazing deal on a playhouse and put it together in the playroom for the kids. They were surprised and are really enjoying their "new house in the new house". We've also enjoyed playing hide & seek in the house. There' are lots of places to hide, plus it's a great way for the kids to get used to the house so they won't be afraid when they are alone in a room.
I heard all about the "amazing" playhouse. :)
Happy Birthday!
What a big present (the house), hope Ron didn't try to wrap it. That ladder looks scary :)
Cousin Monica
Wednesday, huh? I hope you forward your mail so you get any belated birthday cards that might be headed your way.
Yep, I forwarded the mail. You could probably still send it to our old house address and it would eventually make it to us. But, just in case, we still have the apartment rented through Sunday, so I'll double check the mailbox here, too. :)
Ron thought the ladder was scary, too. In fact, he paused for a moment and said he needed to be sure he was "all prayed up" before ascending it. :)
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