Thursday, February 11, 2016

In the Blink of an Eye

Danielle had dress up day at school today. She used a couple Christmas gift cards and got a pretty new outfit. (Ignore the socks, she hadn't put her boots on yet.) She looks more like a teenager every day.

As you can see from the picture, her right hand is taped up. She sprained her pinky finger at basketball practice the other night. It's sore and swollen still, but it's not broken. Much to her relief, she discovered she can still swing the bat and pass the volleyball. The basketball tournament this weekend may be a little more difficult, though.

I spent part of my evening sitting in an informational meeting for parent's of 8th graders. I'd like to know how we jumped from this

to this

and this

in the blink of an eye. Seriously. When the kids were little, it seemed like we had forever with them. And now here we are, mapping out his last four years of school. The time just keeps slipping away. It makes me sad to think about him growing up and leaving, but every day he does something that makes me proud of the young man he has become. It's bittersweet.

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