We decided we wanted to see moose while in New England, so we planned a route to Maine that would take us through Gorham, New Hampshire. Gorham used to be home to one of the largest paper mills in the US, but several years ago it was bought and sold and now the mill is just empty buildings on a lot of land. (There are plans for some of the buildings, but I wasn't paying close attention to our tour guide and don't remember all the details.) Now a lot of the town's income revolves around tourists searching for moose or visiting nearby Mt. Washington.
I booked our tour through the city of Gorham. I wasn't sure how well the kids would do taking a moose tour after riding in the car all day to get to Gorham, but they did great. The tour was quite boring at first, but the kids were troopers.
We spotted 1 moose and it seemed like that would be it...after 3 hours of searching! We were all pretty disappointed as we headed back to town. Then we spotted a moose trotting along side our van. We got a good look at him before he veered off towards the woods. We stopped once more to scan the area beside the road and were pleased to see an entire moose "family". The bull, cow, and calf were munching on some vegetation at the edge of the woods. I wasn't able to get pictures of any of them, but I'm glad we got to see them! The kids ended up having a good time after all, and I'm glad we rerouted our trip to go through this little town. Ron and I wished we could have spent another day in Gorham, fishing in the beautiful lakes or searching for more wildlife.
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