Tonight we went to the zoo's Halloween event. Tyler picked out a "wasteland warrior" costume when we were at the store a couple weeks ago. I think he was on the fence about whether or not he was going to go trick-or-treating until he found it. For the record, I really don't like his costume. I miss the simple, cute, little kid costumes. But, he really isn't a little kid any more, and this one made him happy. He doesn't have to wear it at school this year, and it doesn't have any blood on it, so I let him get it. He likes to doodle pictures involving toxic waste and parts of the costume glow in the dark, so I can understand why he likes it. Danielle wanted to be a viking this year, and she wanted a homemade costume so no one else would look like her. I can appreciate that. We bought the helmet, but we made the "vest" and boots. I think it turned out really cute, and it was really simple. I ordered a shield and sword for her, but they haven't come yet.

We traded in my van and bought a new one today. (It was a very busy day!) Ron and Tyler stayed to complete the paperwork while I took Danielle to her party. I think Tyler enjoyed the negotiating. Ron said at one point when the salesman walked out of the room, Tyler offered Ron $9 he had in his piggy bank if it would help us afford the van. Ron had to explain to Tyler that it wasn't really that we couldn't afford that much, it was that he knew the price could be lower. And eventually it got there. It is a step up from what we traded in, so the kids are pretty starry eyed about it. Once again, I am mindful of God's blessings on our little family.
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