Sandy left our weather a bit undesirable, but we braved the elements for trick-or-treating tonight anyway. It was 37*, a bit windy, and at times a little drizzly. The kids had fun, though, and that's what matters most.
It is almost an obsession of mine to make sure the kids don't have to cover their costumes with a coat (right, Mom?!) and it was a bit more challenging this year because it was so cold. Tyler's costume was practically bulging at the seams, but we did it! (I know, his ankles were probably cold. His costume was a little short and I couldn't find any longer, dark socks.) He managed to fit 2 long sleeve shirts and a coat underneath his costume. He had to come home and take some of the layers off because he was so hot! (I consider that a success!) Danielle's was a little easier. She's wore a shirt, sweatshirt, and a jacket and we just put another brown tshirt over all that. She was too hot, too.
Ron and I are both under the weather, so we took turns taking the kids out. There weren't nearly as many kids out tonight, and there were a lot less houses passing out candy. I'm sure it was because of the weather. I also noticed how polite all the kids were this year! Honestly there were only a small handful that didn't say thank you. I haven't taken the kids out for awhile, and I was impressed with how polite they were. They always waited their turns patiently, not running and cutting off the other kids and said their thank yous. One house had a bowl of candy sitting out for kids to help themselves. Tyler took the last piece of candy and then put candy from his bucket back into the bowl so other kids would have some, too. It was the candy he didn't like, but I still thought that was a pretty nice thing to do.
Danielle had a party at school today, too. Poor Tyler did not. Sadly I know his trick-or-treating years are drawing to a close. I'm glad he got to go out tonight and enjoy himself, despite the less than ideal weather.
Happy Halloween!!