We finally got some rain over night and this morning. After the rain stopped the hummingbirds were quick to return to the feeder. This is a bad picture - I took it through the rain covered sliding glass door - but I thought it was neat because they are so territorial they rarely perch together to eat. At least that's the way it is in my yard. Usually one of the males sits in the tree and tries to chase off anyone else who comes near the feeder.

Early this summer I planted 2 regular sized tomato plants and 1 cherry tomato plant. I have been drowing in cherry tomatoes!! This is what I picked from that
1 plant just today - 80 cherry tomatoes! The regular tomato plants are doing well, too, but they aren't quite as proflic as the cherry tomato plant.

Danielle has decided she wants to learn to skateboard. She has been trying to practice a little every day. She's doing pretty good. She's figuring out how to steer a little, so she can stay on the sidewalk and not run into the grass. She started volleyball practice on Wednesday. I think her first game is next weekend. I don't think any of them can get a serve over yet, so it should be interesting.

I saw this car while I was at the grocery store the other day. I had to take a picture of it for the kids to see. I didn't think describing it would do it justice.

Today Tyler went to a class at the music store to learn how to clean his trumpet. I know it sounds kind of simple, but there is more to it than just wiping it off. I'm glad we went. I think it will help Tyler take pride in his instrument, and I never would have thought to do everything that she showed us.

Although I'm enjoying all the butterflies, Clara is about to go crazy! She loves to chase anything that floats through the air - leaves, milkweed fluff, moths, bees, and butterflies. She tries really hard to obey and not chase them when I tell her "no, leave it", but eventually the temptation overtakes her and she lunges after the butterflies. She was trying so hard to behave when I took these. Although the last picture is blurry, you can see she could only be good for so long. (The painted lady made it and flew back to the bush as soon as Clara turned her back.)
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