It was 103 degrees here today. What better way to spend the day than at 2 pool parties! This afternoon Danielle's baton group had their end of year awards party at an inside pool. The girls got trophies and matching tank tops. Tyler got a gift card to Best Buy for carrying the banner earlier in the year. I thought it was very thoughtful that they included him. The kids had a nice time staying cool in the pool.
This evening Danielle's softball team rented the local pool for a private pool party. It was wonderful! We had such a nice time. The coach brought a grill and we all brought a dish. We picked up some dry ice and brought drumsticks, popsicles, and freezer pops. They were a big hit! The girls all got another trophy. The trophies they received last week were from finishing first in the tournament, but we didn't realize they would get trophies for finishing first in the regular season, too. That was a nice surprise! So Danielle had a 2 trophy day!
We had some dry ice left after the party, so we did a couple experiments before putting the kids to bed. Dry ice is so fun to play with. Here is one of the experiments. The giant bubble was pretty cool.
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