Today was the day the kids have been counting down to - today we got our bunnies!
These are polish rabbits that will be between 2 1/2 & 3 1/2 lbs when full grown. (They look deceptively long in these pics. I think it's the angle.) These guys are 8 weeks old today. We got these from Tyler's friend, who is breeding her polish rabbits for 4H. They have been handled quite a bit and are used to small hands. They are still a little too young to have their gender positively identified but we should be able to tell within the next week. We don't intend to keep them together but if we find out they are not the same sex, we'll have to be extra careful about letting them out to play together occasionally!
The kids haven't picked out names yet. Tyler's is gray (blue) and he is leaning towards the name Shadow, although he's thinking that may not be a good name for a girl. Danielle had decided to name her bunny Chubby Buttons, but after seeing hers, she's not sure the name fits. Danielle's bunny is a little more timid and is content to just sit in her lap. Tyler's is rather curious and likes to play.

We are planning to keep them inside and to litter box train them. I made it quite clear that these are not MY pets and I will NOT clean up after them. Tyler is praying they are trained quickly because he did not enjoy cleaning up after his tonight! As soon as he got his all cleaned up, washed his hands, and sat down to do something else, it pooped and peed all over its cage again. (I thought that was kind of funny.) According to what I've read, it is supposed to be pretty easy to do. We'll see.
Clara was startled the first time she saw one move in the cage, and she barked at it. She's sniffed them a few times and now seems totally uninterested, even when the kids have them out of their cages. The introduction definitely went smoother than I expected!
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