I had a new yard bird tonight! That's always exciting because it doesn't happen very often. I was sneaking over to take a peek at the baby robins when I heard some birds in the tree top above me. I looked up and spotted 2 cedar waxwings. My picture is terrible, but you can clearly see the yellow tips of his tail, his crest, and his mask. I think these are such pretty birds. I think the first time I saw one, other than at the zoo, was when we went to the Smoky Mountains a couple years ago. This guy was perched in a tree at the top of a mountain overlook.
I also managed to get a couple pictures of the baby robins. Their nest is in a tree in our neighbor's yard right by our fence. The nest is in the back of the tree, so I don't think they've noticed it. We've tried not to draw attention to it because their children are rather...um, unpredictable. Hopefully the babies will go unnoticed until they're able to fly away from "predators". Ha.
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